Do you remember the G.I. Joe series? Not the 'Kung-Fu Grip", bearded, larger model. Think more of the later series where there seemed to be as many specialized characters as there are Hindu gods....Got it? Good. I recall snow specialists, explosives experts, HALO jumpers, communication engineers, Ninjas, and a flame-thrower operator. The folks that made these action-figures would crank out a new one, seemingly every few days. So....what's my point??? They were really on to something. The 'Team Joe" mentality translates well to the world of sales teams. They all were focused on warfare and the defeat of COBRA (if you don't understand, go look it up). But they were defined specialists that put forth a unified point. None of my team can be summed up very easily. We all have specialties that transcend our job titles, we all have specific approaches. My team seems to use the GI Joe approach. As we target our clients (for this analogy, COBRA is the client...which is...
The thoughts of an aging technology consultant.