"He was the first casualty of the next great war." were the words spoken by Charles Lewin at the funeral of his son Daniel Lewin. Daniel Lewin was on Flight 11, one of the planes that slammed into the World Trade Center on 9/11/01. Mr. Lewin, once a member of the Israeli Special Forces was killed by the terrorists.
FAA reports suggest that Mr. Lewin attempted to defend the take over of the plane by the terrorist hijackers. Had he been successful, the events of the 9/11 attack could have been very different.
One man, ironically trained in counter-terrorism by the Sayeret Matkal division of the Israeli Defence Force, gave his life fighting the terrorists. It is believed he was the first death of the 9/11 attack.
סיירת מטכ"ל is the motto of the Sayeret Matkal and means "Who Dares Wins". Mr. Lewin dared to take on roughly half a dozen armed attackers. He went out fighting.
Today I will remember the events of the 9/11 terrorist attacks and how it has changed our lives, our country, our world. I will also read as much as I can about the life of Daniel Lewin. Thousands of lives were lost, all with their own stories. This year I will focus on one.
To learn more about Daniel Lewin see the below: