well....OK...there is. Inherent capabilities are possessed by some. Wit, intelligence, humor, general attractiveness, assertive nature....kavorka.....there are things that people are (eye-roll now) just simply born with. It's a fact of nature.
But I will not focus on these things. What I intend to discuss are those things which can be implemented, available to all.
Monkey in a suit?? Even you may be successful.
There is an old saying that asserts 'if you put an infinite amount of monkeys in front of an infinite amount of typewriters, one of them will crank out the entire works of Shakespeare.' It boggles the mind, but statistically is correct.
So...what's my point?? It's the infinite part. With enough blind work, even a monkey will stumble upon 'Hamlet'. Persistence can outdo talent most of the time.
Step 1, make 50 calls, set 2 appointments, run 2 appointments....daily. These are the basics of my sales world, translate this to yours.
Many of you who know me will doubt I accomplish the above stated activity. You would be right. This is because I have accomplished/moved on to step 2. I will cover this in 'There is no Secret Sauce (Part 2)'.
Plus, I have a touch of the kavorka.
But I will not focus on these things. What I intend to discuss are those things which can be implemented, available to all.
Monkey in a suit?? Even you may be successful.
There is an old saying that asserts 'if you put an infinite amount of monkeys in front of an infinite amount of typewriters, one of them will crank out the entire works of Shakespeare.' It boggles the mind, but statistically is correct.
So...what's my point?? It's the infinite part. With enough blind work, even a monkey will stumble upon 'Hamlet'. Persistence can outdo talent most of the time.
Step 1, make 50 calls, set 2 appointments, run 2 appointments....daily. These are the basics of my sales world, translate this to yours.
Many of you who know me will doubt I accomplish the above stated activity. You would be right. This is because I have accomplished/moved on to step 2. I will cover this in 'There is no Secret Sauce (Part 2)'.
Plus, I have a touch of the kavorka.