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"...through a glass, darkly."

This morning I took a medication that should be taken with food....said so right on the bottle. I didn't. Within a half hour or so, my body reacted...and with it my a bad direction. We don't use the term malaise enough in the common vernacular, but it describes my day well.

I raised my voice to a coworker...not that this is a big deal as my team uses raised voices, and impassioned gestures as a part of our communication process...punctuated often with works for us...normally. But today, it was more short tempered irritability and was poorly misplaced emotion. It served no purpose, and was most likely counterproductive to my desired end.

I was passionately indifferent. I seemed to look for things to not care about. This is highly atypical for me and not a state that would allow me to survive long in my field....but my 'give a shit' was busted.

I expressed, in what I would classify as a warning to my coworkers, that I was in an ill mood. Several made comment that I hid it well (at least those I didn't yell at), but if they were to have watched me shuffle papers around my desk for a portion of the day, they would have seen how ineffective I was.

My profession will forgive many a flaw, but indifference and ineffectiveness are death.

Salespeople, at least the good ones, are required to own and care about situations and scenarios when everyone else has gone home. It's close to midnight as I write this, and the only reason why is for the cathartic effect this blog often has for me.

I must be shut of this malaise, I've got shit to do....and I pretty much lost a day of productivity.

So tonight, I will metabolize whatever medication is left, and exorcize the moody remnants it brought. I will drink plenty of water, and get a good nights sleep.

Tomorrow, I will start anew....I will have tea instead of coffee, as a treatise of sorts, with my poor stomach. I will approach food with a focus on something more healthy-ish... I will look for every chance to enhance my mood, whether by good practice or placebo.

And if it says 'take with food' on the bottle, I'll probably just skip it entirely.

I've got shit to do.


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