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Because I have a banana.....

If you have a banana, and only a banana, selling a banana seems a grand idea. But not everyone wants a banana.

Let's expand on this a bit.....a VERY large online retail site, oh....ryhmes with Blamazon....has a whole lot going for it....a regular fruit salad (if sticking with, but expanding on, the banana metaphor).

Huge online inventory...check.....great pricing.....yep.....ease of use....yep....great return policy....indeed....avoiding state/local taxes....still yes, sort of, most places....unparalleled logistics and distribution....can't argue.....same day delivery.....wait..what??

Same day delivery? Really? Maybe someone will look back upon this post and think "Gads, what a Luddite."....but same day delivery just seems unnecessary...and a bit anathema to why I personally LOVE using....umm...rhymes with Cramazon.....oh, screw it, it's Amazon.

Let's take a look at same day delivery....what are we buying? Books...scads of books....suits, blazers, electronics, foodstuffs....try as I might, I cannot think of one thing I need 'same-day' as I order it...or want it to be.

Here's what happens....I buy something....crave satiated, pleasure centers all abuzz. In a day or two, I come home and "Holy COW, there's some stuff on my porch!!!" This is, regarding Amazon, as close to instant gratification as I care to experience.

Keep the pricing low, absorb some of the tax burden, keep the eBook stuff flowing, great return policy, keep a good mix of high-end and low-end product, and FREE SHIPPING....that last one impresses me the best.

So, we understand that your logistics and delivery agreements differentiate you from pretty much everyone else....and I am a BIG fan of that which differentiates....but at the same time, I really don't want it. Just because you have something, doesn't mean you have to make it a part of your overall offering....especially if it takes from any of the other important areas....which it will.

Unless Amazon starts offering same day delivery of REALLY good Chinese neighborhood has one crappy Chinese restaurant that delivers, I am out on the same-day service idea.

Wait...unless "Prime" gets replaced with "Teleport"....that I'd do.....or a nice Sichuan Beef. That's it.


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