I saw a play today. It was based on a movie that had, as one of it's primary characters, a very famous person. Fans of the movie will love the play. Many critics will have a field day with this play. It, for me, wasn't great.
I took my mom to see it, and we had a nice bit of brunch beforehand, so it had that as a positive.
My primary issue? It was too long. Two and one-half hours. It was longer than the movie it was based on. It also had, at it's center, a somewhat outdated and highly repetitive theme.
It took two hours to repeat the same concepts a movie had made, much more enjoyably, two decades earlier. 'Les Miz' gets a much larger point across, in less time.
So...how does this translate to my 'somewhat-business related blog?"
Be Succinct.
We strive daily to make our points. We inform, persuade, and influence our clients by making a point.
We also (and I can be one of the worst) tend to prattle on. We like to hear ourselves talk. Let's work on that.
So....make your point, quickly and without repetition. Once a point is made, anything more only takes away from your goal.
I took my mom to see it, and we had a nice bit of brunch beforehand, so it had that as a positive.
My primary issue? It was too long. Two and one-half hours. It was longer than the movie it was based on. It also had, at it's center, a somewhat outdated and highly repetitive theme.
It took two hours to repeat the same concepts a movie had made, much more enjoyably, two decades earlier. 'Les Miz' gets a much larger point across, in less time.
So...how does this translate to my 'somewhat-business related blog?"
Be Succinct.
We strive daily to make our points. We inform, persuade, and influence our clients by making a point.
We also (and I can be one of the worst) tend to prattle on. We like to hear ourselves talk. Let's work on that.
So....make your point, quickly and without repetition. Once a point is made, anything more only takes away from your goal.