There are a lot of moving parts within any organization.
Often I find myself collaborating with other departments to get the things I need. In my specific case; Finance, Legal, Engineering, Marketing, Product, Customer Care.
I often reach out to these groups with a specific and defined need. A bullet-point-style item, or list of items, with a simple request..."Go get me these things. Please, and thank you."
Other times, it's not so clear cut. Sometimes I may go to a department with an undefined need. I know what I want as an end result, but may not have a clear cut process on exactly how to get there. Typically, in these examples, all parties will provide input. They will define their roles, and understanding the goal of the request, offer suggestions or guidance. Something along the lines of "You can't get that here at X department, but if you go to Y department they can provide Z."
Guidance....the sharing of tribal knowledge on how to accomplish a goal.
Other times.....well, not so much.
At times I have received a denial, a deflection, or (and this one is the killer) a scolding .....all with no attempt at providing the direction that they almost assuredly could give. I honestly cannot understand this approach. On a personal level, it would just never occur not to share any knowledge I might have that might help achieve whatever the end goal is. I lack the ability or inclination. I might give a scolding if something comes to me that is obviously out of my scope, especially if the request is from someone who should know better.....but I'll always add the suggestion of another avenue. Result oriented thinking.
"Not my job." I hate this one.
"You can't get that here." OK, but if you have that awareness, you may have the knowledge of where I can get it. Understood, if not....but if so SHARE IT.
"I'm not sure what you are wanting." Then let me restate. If I do that, and you still don't have a suggestion, is it possible that I already have what I need. Often, when compiling all of the paperwork for a specific deal, this might come up, there is a lot needed sometimes to seal a deal. This issue has surfaced recently, and the individual could have easily said "I don't believe you need the TPS report on this one, all the paperwork you have is sufficient."
So, be an adviser.....offer an ounce of guidance....even the lowest ranking member on any org-chart has this ability.
It's true what they say.....if you aren't a part of the solution, or at least trying to be, you are indeed a part of the problem.
Often I find myself collaborating with other departments to get the things I need. In my specific case; Finance, Legal, Engineering, Marketing, Product, Customer Care.
I often reach out to these groups with a specific and defined need. A bullet-point-style item, or list of items, with a simple request..."Go get me these things. Please, and thank you."
Other times, it's not so clear cut. Sometimes I may go to a department with an undefined need. I know what I want as an end result, but may not have a clear cut process on exactly how to get there. Typically, in these examples, all parties will provide input. They will define their roles, and understanding the goal of the request, offer suggestions or guidance. Something along the lines of "You can't get that here at X department, but if you go to Y department they can provide Z."
Guidance....the sharing of tribal knowledge on how to accomplish a goal.
Other times.....well, not so much.
At times I have received a denial, a deflection, or (and this one is the killer) a scolding .....all with no attempt at providing the direction that they almost assuredly could give. I honestly cannot understand this approach. On a personal level, it would just never occur not to share any knowledge I might have that might help achieve whatever the end goal is. I lack the ability or inclination. I might give a scolding if something comes to me that is obviously out of my scope, especially if the request is from someone who should know better.....but I'll always add the suggestion of another avenue. Result oriented thinking.
"Not my job." I hate this one.
"You can't get that here." OK, but if you have that awareness, you may have the knowledge of where I can get it. Understood, if not....but if so SHARE IT.
"I'm not sure what you are wanting." Then let me restate. If I do that, and you still don't have a suggestion, is it possible that I already have what I need. Often, when compiling all of the paperwork for a specific deal, this might come up, there is a lot needed sometimes to seal a deal. This issue has surfaced recently, and the individual could have easily said "I don't believe you need the TPS report on this one, all the paperwork you have is sufficient."
So, be an adviser.....offer an ounce of guidance....even the lowest ranking member on any org-chart has this ability.
It's true what they say.....if you aren't a part of the solution, or at least trying to be, you are indeed a part of the problem.