Actions speak louder than words. This idiom is attributed to several people.
Michel de Montaigne (credited with creating the writing form of the essay) is one.
St Francis of Assisi was credited with a version of this saying "Preach the gospel at all times. Use words if necessary."
The actions of great leaders fill our history books...but so do their words. Think of one truly great leader, modern or ancient, and see that they almost invariably share one thing. The ability of eloquent, poignant, impacting oration. Churchill, JFK, MLK, FDR.....even the monstrous Stalin, Machiavelli, and Hitler.
As our world evolves we become more distanced from physical heroic capabilities (think of a modern day storming of San Juan Hill...seem unlikely?). Actions are, in modernity, a more cerebral endeavor. Policy, causes, even recovering from a personal hardship have replaced the literal facing off against bodily harm.
So what's my point??
It seems our current leaders sort of suck at oration. I will admit that part of me just thinks I'm being cynical.....but I doubt it. I've listened hard. I've been open, even optimistic, to hear words that truly move me. I've listened to the recent string of debates in our political world...and I'm getting nothing. Sound bites, empty rhetoric, safe and diluted versions of mediocrity. Much ado about nothing.
I long for a current and applicable version of 'Once more into the breach", or "I have a dream", or "Ask not what your country can do for you", or "Never was so much owed by so many to so few".
I believe the nation, possibly the world feels much the way I do.
We are waiting, We are listening, and We are eager to be inspired. We shall see.