Today I attended my first sales meeting at my new company. The meeting was presided over by the same sales manager I've had for years, but the subject was change. Not just the change for he and I, but the change our arrival will mean to the others on the team.
He challenged them to take a hard look at their approach, their performance, their attitude and commitment. Being new, I had no such evaluation, at least not similar to theirs.
But I did do some thinking about the past few years of my life at my previous company. What I came up with was hard to admit.
I had been morbidly bored. This boredom had infected, infiltrated, and eroded at me. I had become complacent, jaded, angry, and somewhat lazy. To any peers or clients that read this, my apologies.
I have been trained to control that which I can, accept those things outside of my control, and push for results without falter. "Not happy? Get there or go elsewhere." Sometimes it's alright to admit that, given the environment one finds themselves in, they simply cannot continue to get to happy. This is when one must part ways from their current situation.
I stayed too long. By doing this, I unwittingly made a bad situation worse. Strong lesson.
He challenged them to take a hard look at their approach, their performance, their attitude and commitment. Being new, I had no such evaluation, at least not similar to theirs.
But I did do some thinking about the past few years of my life at my previous company. What I came up with was hard to admit.
I had been morbidly bored. This boredom had infected, infiltrated, and eroded at me. I had become complacent, jaded, angry, and somewhat lazy. To any peers or clients that read this, my apologies.
I have been trained to control that which I can, accept those things outside of my control, and push for results without falter. "Not happy? Get there or go elsewhere." Sometimes it's alright to admit that, given the environment one finds themselves in, they simply cannot continue to get to happy. This is when one must part ways from their current situation.
I stayed too long. By doing this, I unwittingly made a bad situation worse. Strong lesson.