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Showing posts from February, 2012

Mein Kampf

Wow...I probably have your attention....the meaning of my title (in German) is 'My Struggle"....sorry to snag you like this, but while I have you... My primary struggle in my professional life is in my attempt to sum up my multi-product, mutli-competitor, multi-disciplne industry. I have so often longed for the ability to sell little complexity. But...there is something here, that as I struggle with, I uncover. Telecom is really complicated. This is why so many of my clients choose (either by choice, or lack of involvement) to ignore it. Shame on you. It's intangible, it's difficult, it can transcend understanding. And the entire time, there are so many in my industry that work hard to commoditize it....30% off, sign here, third copy is yours. You provide a disservice to yourself, your company, and your client...our industry bleeds because of you. Shame on you as well. Dear prospect...client....friend.....listen close....dig in deeper.

Go herd your cats

Today, I broke a cardinal sin of the sales world. I chose to postpone a meeting with a prospect. Old school sales manuals will typically command you to meet with the client, regardless of.....well, just regardless. I do not hold this belief. I need an hour, at least, to accomplish an introduction. I've timed it, and even when I am as succinct as possible, it takes about an hour. The prospect, when explaining his truly busy day, had thirty minutes. He had committed to meet with me, and in a very uncommon way, decided to stick to his commit. I suggested we reschedule. I explained to him that I wanted to be seen as a resource and not a nuisance. If he had an immediate need for the services I offer, we could have a quick call. If not, we could set something up for next week. A meeting would impede on his other commitments, and we had time to discover long term needs....I strive to be a long-term partner, versus a quick gain vendor. The prospect replied with the (paraphrased) co...

The view doesn't change

If you are not the lead dog, the view doesn't change. An old joke, but still funny. As salespeople, we are trained at many things. One thing we are not always trained to ask is "Who is your perceived leader?" This question can tell so much, so quickly, and with only five words. Here's why... If the client answers anything but the incumbent, there are issues with the incumbent. Few offerings are worth the change of switching providers, unless there is an issue. Dig in here. This will help you build how you will win. If another provider is mentioned...ask why....outside of the "brother-in-law scenario", this will help you unseat the competitor that is in the lead. What do they have that is worth switching for??....were they just the first to call?...have they shown something I can beat??? Seems simple, right? So, are you asking this question?