Disclaimer : The topic of this entry (POTs lines) was specifically requested by a business partner. When I discuss POTs lines, I get confused looks, and typically even confused responses in that discussion. "Why are you dealing with POTs lines?" It's the lowest common denominator of the telecommunications industry, but only as a product. The need it solves is the core of this blog entry. My ask is that you disregard the "widget" ( an ask that is often a challenge for many of the "widget" minded folks I know) and focus instead on the business problem associated with the consumption of this particular technology. Let's start with a quick definition...the below is the first hit when you Google POTs lines: Short for plain old telephone service , which refers to the standard telephone service that most homes use. In contrast, telephone services based on high-speed, digital communications lines , such as ISDN and FDDI, are not POTS . The main dis...
The thoughts of an aging technology consultant.