"In the modern world of business, it is useless to be a creative, original thinker unless you can also sell what you create." David Ogilvy Mr. Ogilvy...original Mad Man, advertising guru, and a man I've written posts on before (two of which you can find by clicking here and here ), sums it up pretty well. Unless your product outright sells itself (which is remarkably rare), you need marketing and sales. The more complicated your product/service, the less you can rely on marketing and the more you need a salesperson. I recently posted about the amazing entrepreneur/start-up community in Nashville (find here ) that I had the honor of mingling with during the 2012 Nashville Technology Council (NTC) Awards Gala. I mentioned to several of the folks I chatted with that night that I needed to A) re-engage with the NTC and it's offshoots; and B) get to know the start-up community better. So, I have a plan. I've been trained for over a decade on how...
The thoughts of an aging technology consultant.