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Showing posts from September, 2012

On momentum, inertia, inevitability, and the Rube Goldberg Machine

The Rube Goldberg Machine  is an amazing metaphor for sales. You've seen them at work with examples such as the classic game "Mouse Trap" , in  some of your favorite cartoons , in  movies , and even  music videos . A series of incredibly complex events, often seemingly unrelated to the end result, culminating with a simple task being accomplished. If you haven't clicked on one of the links above, go ahead.... From David Mamet's classic Glenngarry Glen Ross we get the prime directive to "get them to sign on the line that is dotted!!", in Jerry Maguire it's "Show me the Money!!", from Boiler Room the shouts of "Reco!!!" ....these have all become cliches or mantras, or both, depending on your view. So what's my point? Simple....I spend hours, days, months, quarters, years all in the search of a client putting pen to paper. Executing a contract. The very simple act of signing one's name, which procures an order. The Ink...